
The Rough Face Girl

This takes place in an Algonquin village near the Lake of Ontario. There have been a handful of woman who have tried to win the affections of the “Prince.” Rough face girl is Cinderella she is named that because she works near a fire and is scarred from it. She makes the prince fall in love with her not for her looks but for more. This is a great book and is neat to read the story of how beauty is within and not just on the outside. It’s just a great book overall.

Bubba the Cowboy Prince: A Fractured Texas Tale

This is a switch where the main character is a male and not female. Bubba would be considered Cinderella. His evil stepdad and stepbrothers are always picking on him and making him feel awful. Bubba never complains even though they treat him bad. There is a ball coming where he would meet his love of his life and he is not allowed to attend. Bubba has a magic cow that helps him get to the dance and find his true love. This is another great story in how they use a boy instead of a girl for Cinderella and have different characters for the story.

Cinder Edna

In this story there are two main characters one is Cinderella and the other is Cinder Edna. They both live with awful stepfamilies. But they do have different approaches to life itself. Both of the girls end up with their Prince Charmings’, one is happier than the other. This book is giving a different look at how some relationships are better than others.

Moss Gown

In this version of Cinderella she is played by Candace. The evil stepsisters flatter Candace’s father and are his favorites. Whereas Candace is not flattering him enough and is banished from the plantation where she runs into her true love Prince Charming and returns to her father. Her father then is able to appreciate her love. I was stunned by this book and how it read because I felt bad for Candace but it does give a twist to the story.

The Golden Sandal: the Middle Eastern Cinderella

This is an Iraqi version of the classic version of Cinderella. It is all the same with the evil step sisters and step mother doing mean things to her and mistreating her. Cinderella falls in love with a Prince with the help of a magic fish instead of a fairy godmother. I like the fact that this book like a few other books have a different fairy godmother instead of a typical one.

Cinderella/that awful Cinderella

This book has the same plot of what happened to Cinderella but from a different point of view. The point of view is from one of the stepsisters, Drusilla. The stepsister claims that the fairy godmother and Cinderella put Prince Charming under a spell and that makes him think that Cinderella is the best choice for him rather than herself. It gives the book a more interesting read because it is from a different point of view.


This book is based on the movie of Cinderella. It has all of the same characters and plot. It has great pictures and details to give a picture of the story. This is a great example of the original and still told story of it today. This book just shows the original story and is good for comparisons with the other books that I have read.